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Interview with the Chairman of Darlington Bondgate Round Table Print E-mail
Written by Łukasz Samek   
Lukasz Samek, Press and Media Officer speaks to the current chairman of Darlington Bondgate Round Table Karl Gordon, about organisation, history, plans and coming events.

Could you please introduce organisation? What is Round Table?

It is an organisation that has been part of the male landscape since 1927. Louis Marchesi was the founder of Round Table. As a 23 year old Rotarian he formed the first Table, Norwich No.1. Round Table has over 400 clubs around Britain. The organisation is present in 57 countries and represented across the world in every continent. It is open to men aged 18-45 as its founder wanted it to always remain a club for the young men. The organisation that’s been around for over 90 years. A truly neutral, non-religious, non-political and non-sectarian club. Round Table’s motto since 1927 has been ‘Adopt, Adapt, Improve’ and these are the principles and values by which Round Table live.

When was Darlington Bondgate 999 Round Table was established?
Darlington Bondgate Round Table was established in 1970. At the moment we have 16 members but we are open to the new. The first chairman of the Table was Frew Craig. We are celebrating his memory organising annual Frew Craig Night. A night when we compete vs retired Tablers from 41 Club.

Could you please tell us about your time in the Table?

I joined the Table in 2012. My previous roles in the Table included International Relations Officer and Treasurer. I was delighted when last year the chairman has asked me to be a vice-chairman and all the members voted in favour. I’m very privileged to be a 48th Chairman of DBRT.

Let’s talk about events. What’s your plans as a chairman?
Darlington Bondgate Round Table meets to enjoy a range of activities every fortnight on first, third and fifth Monday of the month.
In the past we had a lot of interesting events like Clay Pigeon Shooting, Paintballing, Wine Tasting, Gliding, Rock Climbing, Ice Skating, Brewery Tour, Bubble Football, White Water Rafting and Casino Night.
For the coming year we have planned a number of activities. There will be few annual events like: Bike and booze, Cricket or Burns Night, but we are also planning a range of activities such as Karting, Archery and Escape Rooms to name a few.
All the details regarding our events can be found at our facebook page: Darlington Bondgate Roundtable 999. I want to make sure that my year as a chairman will be remembered for a long time and I am confident that together with the officers we have prepared some interesting events.

What’s the best part of RT?
It’s all about core values of Round Table – friendship, fun, development and community. If I need to name one thing I would say Santa’s Sleigh.

Could you please tell us something more about it?
Santa’s Sleigh is our main fundraising event. 2 weeks prior to Christmas we are out on the streets in Darlington, Middleton St George and Hurworth to collect money and bring cheer to the people. It’s always great fun. We have dedicated website called so you can see when Santa will be in your area and track his progress. Last year we collected over £8,000 which will be shared among worthy causes in the area. Anyone who would like to nominate cause to benefit from the money raised should contact DBRT with their suggestions.

I know that Darlington Bondgate Round Table is a main sponsor of the Darlington Community Carnival.
Yes, we are the main sponsor of the event for the second time in the row. Darlington Community Carnival is an annual event based in Stanhope Park. The event was established in 1983. This year’s carnival will be on Saturday, 24th June 2017. The theme for this year is Children’s books and authors. It will be a fantastic day for whole community to get together and enjoy a day of free family entertainment. Obviously as the main sponsor we will be taking part in the Carnival.

Who can join Round Table and how would you encourage people to do so?

Round Table is first and foremost an organisation of young men. To be eligible to join you must be male and under 45 years of age. Come along without obligation to a couple of events to meet the members and see for yourselves if Round Table is the kind of organisation you would like to join. Lifelong friendships, unforgettable experiences and the chance to make a difference to those around you. Those are just three of the many reasons why people choose to join Round Table. If you want to #DoMore with your life then Round Table is definitely the right place.

Where to find more about Round Table?
If you are interested in joining Darlington Bondgate Round Table please visit our facebook page or website
If you are not from Darlington area then check the following website or social media accounts and join your nearest Round Table:

Thank you for time.
Thank you.