Poland vs England Football match in Newcastle Part 3 - Let's drink to your health, gentlemen! |
Written by Polnews.co.uk, photography Tomasz Szott / Big Shot Photography
Monday, 15 November 2010 13:02 |
During the rest break in the Poland vs England football match in Newcastle, the players had the opportunity to talk to local NHS representatives about men’s health. It was a good occasion for everyone to discuss men’s cancer awareness and prevention as well as to have some pictures taken in the same place where the biggest Newcastle United stars give media interviews.
The people in the photos below are: NHS representatives-Victoria Hildreth, Angela Wheaton, Phil Scott together with the event co-organiser Marlena Weber, Newcastle United Foundation representative-Ben Dawson, Polish players and fans who attended the tournament. As you can see in black and white photos some of the Poles are also strong NUFC supporters. The last photos present all Polish teams.
Dziękujemy za przybycie wszystkim polskim zawodnikom i kibicom – bez Was nie byłoby tego turnieju i takich emocji.
Organizatorami turnieju Polska – Anglia w Newcastle byli: Angela Wheaton wraz z NHS, Ben Dawson wraz z Newcastle United Foundation, Marlena Weber & Tomasz Dębski, polscy wolontariusze z organizacji ICOS w Sunderland oraz portal dla Polaków w North East - Polnews.co.uk, który także był głównym patronem medialnym turnieju. Wsparcie zawodów zapewniły North East Strategic Migration Partnership oraz polskie sklepy Malgosia's i European Foods. Plakaty turnieju zaprojektował Tymoteusz Sułek a fotorelacje z turnieju powstały dzięki wsparciu fotografa Tomasza Szotta z firmy Big Shot Photography.
The Polish-English translation was provided to www.polnews.co.uk website by MW Translations in Newcastle.