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Kopernik - Polish shop in Sunderland
Written by Polish shop in Sunderland   
The Polish shop Kopernik in Sunderland would like to invite everyone to come shopping. Inside our shop you will find low prices, many great offers, fresh cooked meats and cheese, popular Polish newspapers and magazines, fresh vegetables and delicious bakery products.

We want our customers to be satisfied with our great prices. Just like they are when they shop in British supermarkets. We are open to suggestions and customers' preferences.

We have a free car park for our customers located nearby the shop ( please see photos below) and for those, who use public transport, there is a bus stop just outside of the shop and you can get here on bus number 3, 4, 13 and 16. There is also St. Peter's metro station only
3 minutes walking distance from the shop.

Because we have just opened our shop we have a lot of great offers and discounts. Just pop in and find out for yourself!

Polish shop in Sunderland - KOPERNIK

Opening hours
Monday to Friday 9:00–20:00
Saturday 9:00-20:00
Sunday 10:00-17:00

Please come and visit us!

Dunn House
50-56 North Bridge Street

Our fanpage - click here

In the first three photos you will see how to get to our shop coming towards us from Sunderland town centre across the Wearmounth Brigde.

Przystanek autobusowy tuż przy wejściu do sklepu.

Bezpłatny parking tuż za sklepem!