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Write a Christmas card in Polish
Written by Danka Kudłacik   
Tuesday, 13 December 2016 13:41
In Poland we don’t give each other Christmas cards. Instead we send them to those who we won’t see over the Christmas season. It’s an old Polish tradition and it’s high time for you to get writing so everybody receives their card before Christmas time.

You can start your wishes with Życzę Ci (I wish you) or Życzymy Wam (we wish you (you is plural)). All of the wishes need to be written in the genitive case as the verb 'życzyć' takes the genitive case. They can also be finished with the verb życzy, followed by your name or życzą, if there is more than one person signed.  

Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia – Merry Christmas
(Boże Narodzenie – literally Birth of God)
Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku – Happy New Year
You can add few other phrases that will make your card more special:
Białych Świąt – white Christmas
Magicznej atmosfery przy świątecznym stole – magical atmosphere at the Christmas table
Miłych spotkań z rodziną i przyjaciółmi – nice get-togethers with family and friends
Dużo radości i miłości – lots of joy and love
Żeby Gwiazdka* przyniosła wymarzone prezenty – so the Little Star* brings you the presents you dreamt about

In various places of Poland they are different ‘people’ who bring presents:
Gwiazdka – Little Star (Kujawy),
Gwiazdor –Starman (North East of Poland),
Dziadek Mróz – Frostman (East of Poland),
Aniołek – Little Angel (Małopolska district),
Święty Mikołaj – Santa Clause (Warsaw),
Dzieciątko – Baby Jesus (Silesia district).

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas
Danka Kudlacik
Polish Language Teacher